
Friday, July 27, 2012

Focus 2012

This past week we were away with St. George's at Holy Trinity Brompton's Focus holiday 2012.  We gathered with 4,300 other Christians for a week-long time of worship, music, talks, and ministry.  It was a fantastic week and we are really glad to have spent it with our good friends of St. George's.  One fantastic and miraculous part of the week was that it was sunny almost the entire time, and never rained.  This is miraculous because it had rained almost non-stop for three months in England prior to this event.  Praise God!  We've included some brief reflections below about the different parts of Focus, but there was far too much to give an in-depth summary of everything.  We're sure that things will come up in conversation once we get back, but if something intrigues you, please be sure to ask more about it.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Focused on Focus and other such George-ian things

Over the past week we have continued to explore exciting sights in London, including one very magical location.  We have also had some great meetings, learned new skills under pressure, and hung out with 20+ rowdy teenagers and pre-teens ready for the summer holiday.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A few BIG days

Since our last post we have continued to experience different parts of life at St. George's, as well as taken the opportunity to see more of London.  We've chatted, visited, prayed, played, waited, walked, eaten, sat, ridden a few buses, and attended more church.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fairs, Crumpets, Meetings, Oh My!

Over the past few days we have plunged ourselves into the life and activities of St. George's, Holborn.  We've attended a local festival, helped with the children and youth, watched the Wimbledon Championship, attended church services, and been to numerous meetings with groups and individuals.  So far everyone has been so incredibly warm and welcoming, and our experiences are teaching us exactly what we hoped they would.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Oriented in London

After a little less than a year of conversation, ideas, emailing, and one phone call, what was once just a possibility of coming to London to work with a church plant of Holy Trinity, Brompton, has become a reality.  We flew into London on July 4th (I guess that would be our 'Dependence Day') and have spent the last two days trying to familiarize ourselves with our surroundings.  It has been a whirlwind but we have loved our time so far.  In the past three days we have crossed a continent and an ocean, made our way through rush hour on the London Underground, gone grocery shopping (three times), seen ancient artifacts, gone clothes shopping, and walked the whole of Hyde Park.  And this is only the first portion of our nearly seven weeks here.